IFPUG’s MetricViews is the biannual IFPUG publication that spreads the importance of software sizing and metrics to the world. Each edition features articles authored by IFPUG members and industry experts focused on the latest trends, news and success stories.
What can you contribute?
We are looking for articles to be included in the next issue to be published in April 2022. The IFPUG functional size and non-functional size methods are worldwide standards which are essential for determining the most strategic key indicators in software projects and products. Article ideas for your consideration include:
- Share stories about how you have successfully used the IFPUG methods and the benefits and competitive advantages of using these methodologies
- New opportunities and developments in the industry
- Features for C-level executives to understand the value of IFPUG
How can you take action?
Please be sure to review the changes to the process and best practices at the end of this page.
Submit articles to the IFPUG’s Communications & Marketing Committee to cmc@ifpug.org. Articles should not exceed more than 2,000 words. All articles will require the following:
- Title
- Author bio (approximately 125 words, including certifications such as CFPS or CFPP)
- Author headshot / photos
- All graphs/pictures included in the article (must be high quality) and royalty free
- Authorization to publish the article (if the intellectual property is or could be owned by your employer, for example)
Complete articles are due by Friday, February 25. The authors will be notified if their article has been accepted for this issue of MetricViews after the receipt.
Updates You Need to Know About the “Call” and Publication of IFPUG’s MetricViews
Why: The purpose of these changes is to reduce the cycle time for each edition and to sustain the high quality of internationally diverse articles for our IFPUG members.
What: IFPUG, through the CMC, is updating the “call” and “publication” guidance related to our semi-annual publication MetricViews. We anticipate a 30-day window between the “call” for articles and the submission of articles. We will no longer be seeking drafts or abstracts. Candidate articles submitted within the 30-day timeframe should be:
- Your original work to which you have all the rights (or written permission to copy and share) to text, graphs, pictures. You will retain these non-exclusive rights co-shared with IFPUG for perpetuity (IFPUG may publish and re-publish in any media form at any time for as long as IFPUG desires).
- Generally within the size and word range in the “call for articles”
- Relevant to a substantial portion of our membership
- Not inconsistent with IFPUG published standards
- Respectful of IFPUG’s international membership
- Reviewed by an objective peer for content relevance and clarity of expression as well as spelling, grammar, and punctuation before submission. We recommend the use of a tool such as Grammarly for all of these except content relevance; a knowledgeable peer is highly recommended.
If you are an author:
- Submit your candidate article before the “call for articles” deadline consistent with the What bullets above.
- Collaborate with your Editorial Review Board member in a responsive and timely fashion consistent with the published deadline for completion. Keep in mind that candidate articles should not require extensive updating if the “What bullets” are followed.
- Recognize that articles may be returned for re-write with potential publishing in the future depending on the quality and the quantity of articles submitted.
- Provide improvement feedback to the Editor.
- The author must own the copyright of images and text, must have the authorization to publish the article (if the intellectual property is or could be owned by your employer, for example) and the submitted articles must not have been published in other media previously. IFPUG reserves the right to edit all articles for clarity, English grammar, and/or typographical errors.
- The Editorial Review Board will provide feedback to finalize article content and its expression in a timely fashion.